Scarier Than Running Out of Yarn...
So, what's IS scarier than running out of yarn? How about teaching two new teen drivers to drive? As of yesterday afternoon, two more of my children have their learners permits! Thankfully I had plenty of yarn in my bag for the MVA. (I finished a hat and part of a scarf waiting for our turn for testing.)
Actually, it's not really so scary for me. You see, my nerves have been turned to steel years earlier with teaching my older two children to drive. Back then the only vehicle we owned was a big, green, 1999 Ford 350 van - you know, the one that holds 15 passengers and seems to be about 1/2 block long from where the driver sits. It would intimidate most experienced drivers to take this baby out on the road, and I got to teach teens how to drive with ours. Of course driving a normal sized car is a breeze after learning on the "Green Hornet" as one of my sons call it. Yes, we still have our van, but I think I'll start my new drivers out on our car. So consider yourself forewarned if you live in Montgomery county... Happy driving!